Nebraska City Municipal Code Book, Chapter25, Section 25-3
DUTIES (for complete description, see the Municipal Code):
(a) Creation and composition. There is hereby created in and for the city a parks/recreation advisory committee to consist of up to twelve (12) persons who are residents of the city.
(b) Appointment and terms of members; compensation. Members of the parks/recreation advisory committee shall be selected at the discretion of the parks commissioner. Such members of the committee shall serve until official submission of a letter of resignation to the parks commissioner. All members of the committee shall serve as such without compensation.
(c) Organization; quorum, meetings, records. At the first meeting in each year or within a reasonable time thereafter, members of said committee shall meet and elect one (1) of their own members as chairperson. Said committee shall adopt all necessary rules providing for regular and special meetings of said committee and for the conduct of its business. All proceedings shall be well and faithfully set down and preserved in record books which said committee shall provide for that purpose and the records of said committee shall be open to the public as other records of the city.
(d) Powers and duties of committee. The primary function of the committee is to assist the parks commissioner and city staff with the continued study and promotion of improvements and additions to the city’s park and recreational facilities. The committee may be requested to provide comments on such rules/regulations as may be deemed necessary for the management and care of said parks and the city’s recreational facilities.
See Duties section above.
See Duties section above.
Currently being reformed.
Park Commissioner, Patrick Wehling, Commissioner, 402-873-5515
Recreation Department, Scooter Edmisten, Director, 402-873-5248
Parks Department, Raymond Doiel, Park Foreman, 402-873-6917