DUTIES (for complete description, see the NCAEDC Director):
The Citizen Advisory Review Committee reviews the function and progress of the Economic Development Program/Nebraska City Growth Fund and also advises and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding applications made for funding within the Program.
Members of the Committees shall include:
- the Program Administrator (ex-officio), who shall serve as committee chairperson, scheduling CARC meetings, keeping meeting minutes, complying with applicable state statutes;
- a representative from the Nebraska City Area Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors who is otherwise eligible;
- a representative with expertise or experience in the field of business finance or accounting;
- three citizens at large with an interest in the continued growth and success of Nebraska City.
At least five members that are appointed by the Mayor. Terms for appointees of the Citizen Advisory Review Committee shall be for four years except that initial terms shall be established on a staggered basis to provide continuity on the committee. Terms are renewable.
Jeanna Stavas | Vaughn Hammond |
Brenda Baumann | Jim Kuhn |
Gloria Glover |
Dan Mauk, Nebraska City Area Economic Development Corporation Executive Director, 402-873-4293